In Time of Need Foundation
Life is a journey. Mountaintops and valleys; light and dark; hope and despair all find ____ along the journey’s paths. Choices and circumstances cause those pathways to be ever-changing. Sometimes the path finds an end with no visible way out. The one, constant truth found along each step is the ever presence of love.
In Time Of Need Foundation was formed to meet people at their cul-de-sacs… points of frustration and ‘no way out’ due to financial hardship caused by a significant medical event. Inability to work and catastrophic medical expense force many situations that seem insurmountable. Often just a hand up is all that is needed to navigate back to the preferred path.
In Time Of Need Foundation is funded and administered by caring individuals and companies who find true joy in giving and who understand the purpose of life is to love. This opportunity to love neighbors and help those living ‘next door’ is rewarding and authentic. It is a grand chance to see donated dollars change lives.
About the Foundation
In Time Of Need Foundation was created to assist people in our communities who struggle with basic life needs because they have experienced or are experiencing a significant medical event. Financial hardships caused by catastrophic illness are seldom addressed through traditional charities. In Time Of Need Foundation was born from the deep desire of people familiar with health care realities to really help those struggling.
Funding is primarily generated through individual donations – – – one dollar at a time – – from one heart to another.
“The basic goodness of man” is so obvious in our world. People deeply want to help. Barriers arise when we don’t really know how to help. Sometimes we need an invitation and an easy way to make a positive difference. In Time Of Need Foundation makes it so easy to affect positive change. A simple donation – one time or recurring – is all that is needed. Every dollar is dispersed to those in need. A diverse board of caring individuals reviews every application. Those requests properly filtered through the criteria will be fulfilled with very little paperwork or hassle. Every dollar matters because every life matters…every donor and every recipient.
Our Mission
In Time of Need Foundation, Inc. endeavors to assist qualified individuals, needing specialized healthcare services or facing a life-limiting illness, who are suffering financial hardship due to experiencing a significant health event. Through grants and donations, the In Time of Need Found, Inc. will assist qualified individuals with personal expenses during this difficult time.